We bring
To the dairy industry

About us

We are a startup that focuses on quantifying Scope 3 emissions for the dairy sector by measuring methane and other gases on farms using IoT devices and AI. Our mission is to bring transparency and data into methane emissions produced by dairy barns. We help the dairy sector on the journey to reach net-zero production processes by 2050. With the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies are now required to provide more transparency into their environmental footprint. Our solution enables dairy industry stakeholders, consumers, and partners to stay well-informed about the environmental impact of dairy production and streamline reporting requirements with highly accurate data.

What is our product?

System of IoT devices and AI, that quantifies emissions from the dairy barn.

Easily readable reports of dairy farm’s real time methane, CO2 & Ammonia emissions along with five other gases. We offer fully customizable AI solution that is capable of measuring gases of a choice suiting particular needs
Benchmarking of dairy dairy farms within dairy company ecosystem and overall quantification of methane footprint from the supply chain
Providing transparent and accurate data enabling CSRD reporting and incentivization of the farmer to actively drive down methane emissions

Cows in cow shed
& sensor

AI modeling


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